Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The greatest find in the last 15 years

Sounds like something dramatic right? Well to me it is! I have been wearing something to correct my vision since sixth grade, about 1991. I started wearing contacts in the eighth grade, about 1993. Since that time, I've always had to choose either contacts or glasses because of insurance. Most insurance plans offer benefits for one or the other in any policy year. I've always picked contacts because that is what I prefer to wear. It's always a good idea to have a good pair of glasses for nights and just in case something happens to your contacts (i.e. they get torn, dropped on the bathroom floor and can't be found because I can't see, lost in a lake, etc). I haven't had new glasses in five years, until now! Roger often listens to Clark Howard on the drive home. He referenced this website about two weeks ago. It's a place to buy glasses with frames starting at $8. I thought it was too good to be true, but really really wanted it not to be. I was so excited to perhaps have a solution for my yearly vision correction dilemma. So I checked it out and ordered some glasses. I got two pairs of glasses with shipping for $40. They came on Monday. I don't usually take pictures of myself, but I wanted to show the glasses and I wanted to make sure I don't look like a dweeb in the new frames. It really is the greatest thing ever, well at least in the last 14 years! I'm so thrilled I wanted to share it with everyone! Happy shopping!


Brittany said...

I totally understand! About 6 months ago I got some new lenses put in my glasses. I hadn't updated my perscription since I got those lenses when I was in hight school.

Nancy Clark said...

They look great, Chels!

Natalie said...

OOh those are so cute and chic :) I just got new glasses this past year too, and they look like the first ones you have on!

Brynn said...

How cool is that I will have to check out that website. Wearing glasses is such a pain, oh wait being blind is a bigger pain :0) You look great in both pair!

Kelly Jo said...

ok, am I the only one who thought they were the same pair in both pictures. . .maybe I should have put my glasses on to check. . ;) I like them!!
Apparently Rog wasn't that great of a find, nothing beats a good deal, even a husband, right?!

Jolie said...

hmm, I didn't know they were two different pairs either. You look very hip! I always secretly wished I had to have glasses. I thought it would be cool.

Heather said...

Very cute specs! I'm gonna have to check out that website, what a deal!

Jason Young said...

So Cute!!! What a steal of a deal!!


Nancy Sabina said...

Oh my gosh! I've been in the same quandry for years! I think my glasses are 6 years old now and my prescription has changed every year. I can hardly watch TV in them anymore. I think this really is the best website EVER. I'm ordering some today!!!!! Yeah!!!!

Sarah said...

Wow! I can't believe that website!! My two year old stepped on my only pair of glasses last week and ruined them and I've been sad about having to drop a hundred bucks on a new pair but now I'll just get them here! Thanks for the tip and yes, you look FAHbulus!

Thanks for the comment on my blog by the way. Any friend of Nancy's is a friend of mine :)