Ok, ok, I swear I really don't read Pop Candy that often, but I had to share another good quiz that I saw today. It's a promo for the new Bionic Woman series. It tests how bionic you are. It actually was hard, well I thought so anyway. I was only 37% bionic. You can find it
here. I thought all you Worths would appreciate it! How bionic are you?
I'm only 34% bionic! I totally bombed the sounds one. But I rocked the remebering the pictures one.
Lot's of fun. Thanks Chels.
By the way, my favorite blog is my cousin Sarah's. hollywoodflakes.blogspot.com
I totally got an 82% on my first try and Roger didn't believe me. He thinks I cheated - I'm offended! :) Hope you are doing well!
Ha, I'm really more bionic than I thought. I just retook the test and I was 72%, yea for that. I must have just been really sleepy last night....
I was 63%, but I was 0% on the part with the scrambled keyboard. Apparantly that was very hard for me.
54% for me. I must admit, I was tempted to keep retaking it, and dazzle you all with my score. I should probably work on my laundry and cooking skills before trying to become more bionic, though. But wait! Maybe the bionic practice sessions would increase my ability to keep my house running smoothly...
How could being more bionic NOT help your house run smoothly?
69% Bionic! Being a math teacher really helped me on the arithmetic one!! HA!
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