Thursday, February 28, 2008

It's officially official...

Ashby is a big kid. No it's not because I just potty trained her (she's been that for quite some time, calm down all you mandated reporters). She has not one, but two loose teeth. I was so excited about it today that I totally embarrassed her and made her cry. I can't believe it. It's such a big milestone in a kid's life. It's her two bottom teeth and the extremely bad news is that I can already see the permanent teeth poking through. However we've known since she got teeth that she would need serious orthodontia. Her baby teeth are so close together that there's no room for big teeth. Congratulations to Ashby and I'll try to tone it down a bit!


The Powells said...

hi chelsea...its jenny powell from the good ol mesa park ward!! i hope you don't mind but i check out your blog and just love how big your kids are! they are so dang cute. hope all is well with you and your little family.

TheOneTrueSue said...

Hee hee, my kids can never understand my reactions to the milestones either.

Chelsea - thank you so much for your kind comment on my blog...

Nancy Sabina said...

Congrats to Ashby! Two at a time is big. I got all excited about Naomi loosing a tooth a month or so ago but it turned out she had just whacked her mouth hard and the tooth got un-loose after a couple of days. I'll just have to be patient for a year or so.
Are you so anxious to see what her cute smile will look like without those teeth?

Mandy said...

Hi Chelsea,
Saw you weren't at church today. Please tell me you didn't get your husband back only to get sick right away! I guess that would be better than getting sick when he was gone...