Monday, October 5, 2009

Did you know?

Roger and I watched a few minutes of National Parks on PBS the other night. I know the show is getting good reviews and I'm ashamed to say we haven't really watched it. Although in the few minutes we were watching they mentioned how a Joshua tree got it's name. Did any of you know how? Obviously I knew about the U2 album and have seen a Joshua tree, but I didn't know how it got it's name. Apparently Mormon pioneers saw the tree in their travels out west and likened the tree to the prophet Joshua; his arms lifted up in prayer. The name stuck. Now you know...


Kari Cole said...

I did not know. Thanks for the interesting tid bit. You were always good at remembering random facts. Now you know another!!

Kelly Jo said...

I didn't know either! So you're the partner to have in Trivial Pursuit???