Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Another reason I'm a terrible person.

Because honestly, nothing makes my day like seeing a headline on CNN about pirates. I know it's completely insensitive and rude, but PIRATES! It does makes me wander around all day saying things like arrgh matey or yo ho and wondering whether or not I have scurvy.


-kim said...

Did you ever see the episode of wife swap that had a family of pirates? it was hilarious! they accused the non-pirate family of not having enough "pira-titude". it was awesome.

Brynn said...

Arrgh Matey are you going to be buyin' an eye patch???

I laughed too!

Kelly Jo said...

that is so funny b/c I was driving home from work hearing about pirates that overtook a ship and I started laughing b/c it just sounded so funny! brings back good Backyardigan memories, a pirate says "aargh!"

lacieinthesky said...

That's awesome, Heath couldn't stop talking about it yesterday and saying, "Pirates?! Really?!" Nevermind they're wearing combat attire and not puffy shirts.

Nancy Clark said...

Could your glee be related to your proximity to a certain baseball team? Let's Go Bucs... (we wear our t-shirts all the time. to the gym)

kim and morgan said...

That makes me laugh. I didn't know there really was pirates!

Mandy said...

You crack me up.