Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Horror

The word on the street is that we are moving back to Utah this summer. There are still several (ok all) important details to work out before we do. We are trying to get our house ready to sell and Chelsea decided it would be a fantastic time to make Roger redo the bathroom. It had some serious nasty pinkness going on and I'm really hoping that the house will appeal to someone with it gone.

Here's a kind of before shot. See the nasty walls. Anyway they are gone now, yay!

Let me just say there's nothing and I mean nothing, like finding this in the ceiling... (I feel sick just looking at the picture) It was long dead, but still.

We're not finished so more pics to come.

Easter and oh no

Easter came and went. I really love to dress the kids in matching clothes for Easter, it's the only time of year I support such cheesiness. It's quite a dilemma though because I have both girls and boys, some are little some are big, one absolutely WON'T wear dresses (I won't name names, but it starts with an A and ends with a shby) so this year I settled for a common color. Orange it was. They don't really match, but they look cute all the same. And yes I am an IMMACULATE housekeeper.
We also dyed eggs before Easter. The kids loved it (ahh who am I kidding? I loved it too). Luke is going through his not smile smile for pictures phase. Love that kid.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Things to blog about 101

There are so many good blogs out there and I read a lot of them. I wish I was a good writer/blogger. I'm really not, but I do like to blog. So what do you write about when there's nothing creative or profound to say? Spring break will do...

The kids actually had a reasonable spring break this year. Last year they were making up snow days so they only had one day off. This year they had almost a whole week! Yay! I ended up taking the kids to Niagara Falls. Roger had to go to Salt Lake, but I didn't want to stay home the entire break so off we went. We stayed in Buffalo, NY they went on to the Falls the following day. This was our score of a hotel. There was an indoor pool in a courtyard of sorts that two floors of hotel rooms looked out upon. It was perfect because we didn't have time to swim again in the morning but Luke was satisfied watching other people swim while I packed up.

I wanted to go to Niagara Falls to ride the Maid of the Mist, but alas it was not to be. I had no idea until we arrived that the boat doesn't start sailing until Memorial Day. I'm not an idiot, I checked the website and everything and it didn't say anywhere that it was still closed. It was probably better anyway because it was freezing. That wind was a blowin' and we were cold!

Not the best of pictures, but I had to prove Liam (under the blanket) and I were there too!

See all that white stuff in the bottom right corner? Ice. Awesome huh? Nothing like upstate New York for spring break!